Another modern Drill and Trap Drum Kit loaded with HQ Drums, including Hard-Hitting 808s, Hard Kicks, Crisp Clean Claps and Percussion, Snares and Hihats, lots of Drill Hi-Hat MIDI Loops and more!
Flame Audio presents you next volume of this EPIC Drill Drumkit called 'Drill Chasers 2'. This pack includes everything you need to produce modern Drill and Trap hit.
This pack is a ultimate drumkit loaded with HQ Drums, including Hard-Hitting 808s, Hard Kicks, Crisp Clean Claps and Percussion, Snares and Hihats, lots of Drill Hi-Hat MIDI Loops, ready for you to drag into your chosen DAW.
The beats used in the demo song were made using 'DRILLCHASERs 2' Drumkit and are not included in this pack. You can find them in other Flame Audio kits.
219 x Total Files
30 x 808 One-Shots
15 x Clap One-Shots
11 x Crash One-Shots
15 x FX One-Shots
45 x Hi-Hat One-Shots
30 x Kick One-Shots
25 x Percussion One-Shots
15 x Snare One-Shots
25 x FX
7 x Hi-Hat MIDI Loops
24 Bit WAV and MIDI Formats
Our loops & samples are in WAV format which works with all major music production software: Ableton, FL Studio, Reason, Maschine, Logic, Native Instruments, Pro Tools, Akai, Cubase, GarageBand and many more!
For more info visit our FAQ
This pack is 100% Royalty-Free. This gives you, the customer, the right to use these sounds to make music without paying any royalties or license fees ever!
For more details see here.