This is a session recording package of Anatolian Percussion instruments, brought to you by Rast Sound. The pack includes two types of Bendir, two types of Kudum and a Darbouka and is recorded and edited into loops, phrases, one-shots and taster processed samples.
The Bendir is a special rhythm instrument, in which various forms have been used in sacred & tribal ceremonies for long years. Today you may hear it almost in every ethnomusical context. The instrument can be made of natural leather or stretched plastic with a diameter generally of 52 cm, which adds a powerful low end to the sound it produces.
The Kudum is widely used in Mevlevi rituals and sacred drumming sessions along with Ney. The instrument has a copper body with a half-spherical shape to it. The surface of the instrument is generally leather but plastic material might be used as well. Two 15 cm diametered instruments are played together like a bongo.
The darbouka (goblet drum) was first seen in Babylonia and Sumeria. It has a goblet shaped body and a membrane surface. The instrument name comes from the darba word which means strike in Arabic.
251 x Drum loops, drum phrases & One-Shots
24 Bit WAV Format
100% Royalty-Free
Our loops & samples are in WAV format which works with all major music production software: Ableton, FL Studio, Reason, Maschine, Logic, Native Instruments, Pro Tools, Akai, Cubase, GarageBand and many more!
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This pack is 100% Royalty-Free. This gives you, the customer, the right to use these sounds to make music without paying any royalties or license fees ever!
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