The kick is like the anchor of the track. You feel it wallop you in the chest when you're out in a club! It sets the pace and rhythm that everything else works around. So read on for the fundamentals on how you can make it hit right. You want that bad boy to slap!! This week I was asked...
Lee Perry, right? A stoner genius hunched over a giant 1960's mixing desk, concocting a dizzy swirl of reggae loops and effects? If you wanna mix it up inna rub-a-dub style, you don't need a huge mixing console and an even larger bag of herb. You can do it at home, now pass over the chalice and read on!! Well...
Crate Digging! That's how it's done. It takes time and a lot of trial and error, but you'll find some of the sickest and most obscure gems by getting your hands dirty and diving in! You also need to know where to look; we can help you with that... Electronic music has been showing us for years that a good...
Sub-Bass; you feel those warm vibrations when you get closer to the speakers and it breeds excitement and good times!! It's damn important and anyone who says otherwise is missing out on the depth music can have. Well, that's what I reckon anyway, but, what's the best way to do it!?! And what makes a good sub anyway? The Basics...
What even is a tracker? Seems a bit dry and a bit too much like coding to be particularly creative right? If you're like the majority of the music-producing masses, you'll probably be used to a conventional sequencer. But there are a group of musicians who think there is merit in having limits. Crazy right?! Well, let's hear them out...
Can I get a one-shot?! Kicks, snares, hats, percussion, vocals, claps...the list goes on. Want to venture on the wild side of making your own gully beats? Then I think it's time you enter the wondrous world of one-shots... What is a One-Shot? Simply put, a one-shot is a single sample - it can be a kick drum, a snare...
So you wanna make it big time!? Well, you need to get friendly with one of these four to take things truly international and into next-level superstardom! The music industry is a confusing one. Labels are changing fast, but one thing that has remained consistent is the existence of major labels - the big players. The Dons. Like the Mafia...
The robots are taking over!! Well, maybe not just yet, but it's best to be prepared and find a way to jam with them right!? Who knows?? Always be prepared!! Let's enter the dehumanizing world of robotic voices and learn to communicate with the machines!!!! Attempting to find the right sound for you amongst the sharp, emotionless and downright alien-sounding...
Ah, the 90s - a time when curtains seemed like a good idea, VHS still had a place in the market and wild boy bands roamed the plains in search of 14-year-old girls to make money from. Yes, it was cheesy, and painful to hear at times, but sometimes you just can't shake those tracks from your head and there's...
Obscure!!! As anyone who has paid attention to mainstream hip hop will know, sampling is getting more and more obscure. Big-shot producers have taken instruments from the east, west, north, south and occasionally what sounds like the depths of space to create their tracks. The further afield the better!! We figured it would be helpful to give you a heads up...
You want your hip-hop tracks to BANG right? Well, luckily you're in the right place. Untie your tongue and test out these 10 hip hop production techniques and unleash some serious fire into the streets... Don't be Afraid to be Off The Beat Add some swing and you're sure to turn a conventional robotic drum machine beat into something a...